Thursday 6 September 2018

Cotswolds Farm Park - Is Adam Henson Farm a Perfect Family Day Out? – Days Out Now

Cotswolds Farm Park - Is Adam Henson Farm a Perfect Family Day Out? – Days Out Now: You know that feeling you get? The anticipation, the excitement, an overwhelming urgency to jump in and have fun that you get when first arriving at a new attraction. Well that’s exactly how I felt Read more…

Friday 22 June 2018

Secret Tip – How To Get Your Child To Fall Asleep in 5 Minutes

What if I told you there may be a way to easily get your child to fall asleep after a few minutes? Would you want to hear more?
Are you one of the unfortunate parents that has a child that struggles when it comes to sleepy time?
My son, was always easy. Put him to bed, read him a story and as if by magic he’d drift off. Sweet.
My daughter, aged 5, has always been difficult. She tries everything to stay up and now, I think I have heard every excuse possible.
Like: I need a drink
I’m hungry
I’m not tired
Can you read me another story?
What’s this? (Comes downstairs holding a tampon!)
I’ve broken this! (Holding my phone charger!)

Then there’s the mood swings.

This Involves : Stamping (Sounds Like an Elephant herd)
Door slamming
Throwing things (Sometimes downstairs)
etc, etc, etc…
Yes, it’s difficult.

Then, I saw this...........

I know what you are gonna say.

“HOLD ON! That’s a baby!”

But what if the same technique worked on older children?
Worth a go, no?
So one night, when the girl was kicking off about goodness knows what I though I’d try this sleeping techers (Not a spelling mistake, it’s urban for technique).
However, would it work?
I gave her a goodnight cuddle and instead of a sheet I used my hand to tickle her face. Don’t give up, after a few minutes she started closing her eyes. Then shortly after fell asleep. Just softly run your fingers from the top of their head to their chin. Try your own methods.
So? What happened?


10 x Parent points for me!


This Guy Has Got It Sorted

He is just showing off here.

He gets a huge 100 x Parent points! Well done mate!

Monday 11 June 2018

See Joust, Dragons and Castles - Added Competition – Days Out NOW

See Joust, Dragons and Castles - Added Competition – Days Out NOW: Cardiff Castle Joust! Let Cardiff Castle help transport you back to medieval times. Saturday 23 June – Sunday 24 June 10am – 5pm The Knights of Royal England return in 2018 with an amazing show and an epic display of  brave jousting. With stunts, storytelling, musicians, combat displays and a real medieval village encampment makes …

Sunday 13 May 2018

Find REAL Treasure - Paint - Hide = Happiness – Days Out NOW

Paint – Hide = Happiness 

Can you imagine, the excitement that pirates and treasure hunters would have felt upon discovering a hoard of untold wealth? Deep in a jungle or on a deserted island in the Caribbean?
Risking their lives to find,
& Diamonds…..
Well, I’m here to tell you all about a modern way to recreate that excitement and you don’t need a crew and ship to do it!
My story begins on a Winters day at the Iron bridge gorge near Telford, Shropshire. We had visited Blists Hill Victorian Town and to finish off our day out we decided to head to the Iron Bridge (It is a World Heritage site after all.).
The bridge was under maintenance and there wasn’t too much to look at so we headed along the River Severn for a stroll.
After a short walk, we came to some steps leading back up to the town and it’s wonderful shops. Suddenly there was a shout! 


“Mummy, look!” cried one of the children.

spread happiness, painted rocks,
message in a bottle, painted stones,
Jenson (our Nephew) ran over to a strange stone. It was beautifully painted and finished with great care. On the reverse, a message read;
This was crazy. Towcester is very close to where we all live and the kids were overjoyed! 
Jenson took the rock home and I believe he re hid it. This was our 1st ever experience with this painted rock phenomenon and I liked it. I had seen a post about this a year prior to finding the stone which I shared to my facebook audience but never thought that it would become such a massive craze.
painted treasure, co-op
Our 2nd experience came when we were shopping in a local Co-Op. Sitting on a shelf on the sweets aisle was a black painted rock with multicoloured spots. This time a small note was taped to the rock. 
The note simply read;
It had happened again. We were due to visit Brighton for the Bank Holiday weekend and so I suggested talking it with us.
I felt a bit like a shop lifter smuggling the rock into my pocket but it had to be done. We did remember to take the stone with us and we did leave it in Brighton. What a wonderful idea.
If you ever find that black stone in Brighton please let me know!

What you need to take part

a.) A Stone
b.) Paint
Yes it really is that simple.


Pick your design, let your children decorate their own and hide them where ever you want. This is all about letting your creative side yell out.  
We would love to see your amazing creations and also you finds. Comment below if you have ever found a painted stone or share it on our social media platforms. 
Get treasure hunting and have fun!

Monday 30 April 2018

Vagina Wipes & Sleepless Nights - A to Z Of Parenting – Days Out NOW

Vagina Wipes & Sleepless Nights - A to Z Of Parenting – Days Out NOW: Parenting summed up…alphabetically Quick A – Z  of everything parenting. In essence if you read this, you are then ready for parenting. A.) Advice – Be prepared to get it form everyone and everywhere. Don’t do that, I tried this, WWAAHHH! Piss off and look after your PERFECT CHILD! B.) Birth – A 9 month …

Thursday 22 March 2018

Should You Pay Your Child For Doing Household Chores? – Days Out NOW

Should You Pay Your Child For Doing Household Chores? – Days Out NOW: We’ve all been there. A chore sits, staring at you like a hungry dog looking for a treat and you do the clever adult thing…….pay the kids to do it! Cruelty? Smart? I asked my facebook friends, to get their opinions, this should be interesting. Here is what they said. What are you saying?? Errrr … … Continue reading →

Friday 9 March 2018

Our Competitions – Days Out NOW

Our Competitions – Days Out NOW: Amazing competitions, voucher codes, offers and more. Free product information and anything else we can find that might be of interest to you.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Days Out NOW –

Days Out NOW – Find your perfect family day out with help from our brand new interactive map.  So far we have over 160+ pins each taking you to a blog review of that location.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Ever visited the Queens bedroom? Kenilworth Castle

Ever visited a Queen’s Bedroom? – Kenilworth Castle

queen elizabeth, bedroom,
My family have actually set foot in the Queen's bedroom. Amazing, right?
Wait, what!?! NO! Not THAT Queen.
Queen Elizabeth I's bedroom!
To be honest her room lets in a bit of a draft, to fresh for a sleep over  (mind you half of the wall and roof was missing). More about that later.
A quick hop from our house to Kenilworth (obviously as it IS Kenilworth Castle) and we were extremely excited to see what we would find there. The only thing I had heard about the place was that ite was a ruin.
YES, A BLOODY RUIN! Nothing like Warwick Castle.
However do I listen to what others say? Well...yes but I still needed to check it out for myself.
We had been invited to review, so popped into the main shop at the entrance and spoke to a lovely girl at the till. She explained where everything was, where we could buy food (she could probably tell that I like my food) and offered us information leaflets.

We were in

Although Kenilworth isn't a full castle with loads of made up rooms, it still took me by surprise. There are entrancey bits to walk around, the surrounding gardens, little quirky out buildings, secret entrances, a tall tower (that is made up and furnished),
football foodhall (bloody predictive text) and the main section (for me) is where Queeny's room is. 
As per usual Eliza (& me) needed to use the toilet straight away, so we headed straight for the toilets.
Outside the toilet, is a paved garden with decorative, hedgey bits. Both our kids loved running around this and did so for ages........and ages.
Fun at first but then you just think
"I want to actually look around, y'know!"
We then entered: 


 and had a good look around. Built by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester in 1571 as part of his grand plan to woo Queen Elizabeth I, the gatehouse is set up as it may have looked in the 1930s.  Visit the exhibition on the top floor to explore the royal love story of Elizabeth and Dudley.
It was very cold outside so we took full advantage of this heated area and studied everything
If you are wearing muddy shoes there are blue, plastic over shoe protectors to wear.
Upstairs a thoroughly nice chap explained the history of the castle and had a few fun things for the kids to do.


After the Gatehouse we were all very hungry (shock). The foodhall is situated in the old stables converted into a beautiful room with high ceilings and scrummy grub for you all to eat. I would only recommend a picnic if it were a stunningly warm day.
After the food, we took a look at the rest of this impressive room.
There are loads of things for the kids to do here. If yours are anything like mine, they won't sit for five minutes so don't worry they will be kept amused while you just relax and eat.
After that we took a stroll around the whole castle from within the grounds. Kids were running up and down the mounded up earth against the castle (quite steep in places ) and loving it. In the summer you could roll down them, just watch for rocks and such like.
You see, kids don't need great, huge theme parks, they need to be able to use their imaginations.
Much, much, much healthier.
We came back round to the main section of the castle and couldn't wait to ascend the towers and explore. Keep your eyes peeled for old graffiti inside some of the rooms. Amazing. Here are some names I spotted.
Framework (I would call it) has been installed to shore up some of the old building and to give you (the visitor) a safe, easy way to climb and discover the castle.



Then we came into Queen Elizabeth I bedroom. Quite surreal really, although there isn't much let of it now. I can still say I have been in the Queens bedroom, can you? It would have looked impressive back in the day, set in a 100ft tower and boasting the largest glass window in Tudor England.
I won't go on to much more because after all, you'll want to discover some things for yourselves, right?


Kenilworth is a great day out and because it ISN'T packed to the gills with punters like Warwick Castle can be and it's a more enjoyable non commercialised (long word alert) day out that you can actually walk around in your own time and enjoy.