Thursday 12 January 2017

Boot out Breast Cancer - Hadrians wall walk 2017

Hadrians Wall Walk 2017

What drives individuals to complete crazy antics, challenges and inspiring actions?
Unfortunately, most of us have, at some point in our lives been at the receiving end of a thunder bolt of bad news.

Some rise up and jump this obstacle - however for some it's not that simple.

In August 2017, my wife & are challenging ourselves to walk the entire 84 mile stretch of Hadrians wall. We hope to complete this feat over a period of five tiring days, equating to 17 miles a day.

We hope to raise money for the Charity "Boot out Breast Cancer". This charity funds the purchasing of new equipment for the NHS to help the trained proffesionals detect Breast Cancer early on.

In late 2015 my wife, sadly, was diagnosed with Breast cancer. She feared the worst and our lives were simply put on hold.
Helen went on to receive various treaments, needed to attend numerous hospital appointments and was dragged to hell and back in the process.

It almost seemed like it was all happening to somebody else's wife.

This brings me to the reason we are doing this. We simply want to help other women because if the Cancer is detected early on the chances of survival are greatly improved.

Ultimately lets help save lives.

Only with the help from family, friends and professionals we got through it all.
Then at the end of 2016, thankfully she got the all clear! ❤👍

Follow our expedition and if you can, please donate to this brilliant cause! Just £1 can really help if enough people donate!

Know Your Lemons is a new campaign set up by the World breast cancer organisation. Take a look and share their message.

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