Saturday 11 November 2017

Social Media - My tips for new bloggers!

I came up with the idea of a day out brand that would offer people amazing info on free days out in the United Kingdom. I just felt that there weren't many places to find great days out and I wanted to change this.
Where do I start?
At the beginning...before I even thought of starting my own website, I made a facebook group.
At this time, I didn't know the difference between a group and a page.
Facebook page is a public profile specifically created for businesses, brands, celebrities, causes, and other organizations. Unlike personal profiles, pages do not gain "friends," but "fans" - which are people who choose to "like" a page.
Facebook group is a page created for an organisation or business to promote activities. ... Facebook groups are the main way for businesses to bring users together and have discussions.
 Groups are MUCH easier to build than pages especially if you have different sections within your brand.   
Page) UK Fun Family Days Out
Group) Theme parks / Adventure parks
Group) Free / cheap days out
Group) Great Outdoors
 Link them together and encourage followers to like your page then move onto the groups that interest them.
Be original.
Easier said than done, (I know) but people like to get involved and have their say in subjects that are important to them.
Try a mix of funny posts and useful posts. 
Competitions / giveaways can generate a nice chunk of interest but don't jump straight into a big competition when you have just began building. Instead build slowly and once you have a nice group built then launch your secret weapon (the epic comp). 
Competitions can be hit and miss but still worth a punt. Make them easy to enter but interesting to the individual ie
"Just like this post / our page and comment below with your favourite _____.
Don't pay for advertising.
Refuse. You can organically build your group but it takes time and persistence. 
Invite all of your friends to like the group, ask them to add their friends. Post onto local groups that may be interested in what you do and add a link. 
I'm certinaly not perfect but have learned from my mistakes. Sometimes you need to fall over to become stronger.
Once your facebook group etc is up and running you can think about growing the brand through other avenues.
Then go back to the WEBSITE idea. Work your magic and have a great time doing it. 
Make sure that you are writing about something that you really have a passion for and you can't go wrong.

Make your new hobby fun

Now you can let your creative juices flow and create your masterpiece.
Select amazing pictures, keep it real and of course write award winning blogs! Success will come to you if you are realistic and keep trying.

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